Daft Punk broke up today


We’re not okay 😭 If you’re like me, Daft Punk is one of the fundimental dance music staples of our childhood and/or adolescence ( or made an equally important impact on your life no matter when you were introduced to them.

For me, it started when I was really young. My mom and aunt listened to them, but my fondest memory was seeing my late aunt (who was like my sister) dancing around the room waving the rag we used to clean the wooden furniture with, and singing to “Around the World.” While those 3 words were the extent of the lyrics of the song, it was so fun to listen to. The catchy beat made us dance around the house. Same thing with '“One More Time.” To this day, hearing these songs gets me misty-eyed, but in a good way. If I hear the song ‘Around the World’ at a festival or when I’m even slightly inebriated, the tears will come for sure.

Nocturnal 2018 - Right to Left: My Mom, My BFF Minela and myself

Nocturnal 2018 - Right to Left: My Mom, My BFF Minela and myself

My mom and I ugly cried together when I took her to her first music festival which was Nocturnal Wonderland, and we heard that song. We both looked at each other, and silently started bawling, and hugged each other. We knew my aunt Eva was there with us at that time, enjoying the moment with us. It was such a special moment for us to share, and that made me so happy to have taken to her a music festival. (If you want to come close to those feels, click here to see DJ AM playing Daft Punk, I think 2009.)

Another great song which isn’t exactly Daft Punk but close enough and for me is the same vibe, is the 1997 song “Music sounds better with you — Stardust. Now, Stardust is 1/3 Daft Punk with Thomas Bangalter, DJ Alan Braxe, and Benjamin Diamond. This was the only song the trio ever released which I think is freakin’ cool. I think that’s a pretty cool story tied to such a great song. I last heard it this past weekend at Insomniac Event’s Park ‘n Rave Chris Lorenzo, and it was amaze-balls. It hit me right in the feels and I felt so alive.

They have so so many great songs that I love listening to and if I talked about them all, we’d be here all night. So let me cut to one of the last ones I want to talk about. Get Lucky - Daft Punk Ft. Pharrell Williams. First of all, I’ve always been in love with Pharrell. So for them to have collaborated, it was a dream. Now with this one they released the album Random Access Memories. My mom took my nephew, niece and I (she’s technically my cousin but she’s the oldest and the first born cousin and I took care of her as a baby) to the OC Fair and AMP Radio had a booth there, they were giving away CD’s. I was shook. I saw Random Access Memories, and I saw Calvin Harris. I wanted both, so my mom grabbed Random Access Memories and I grabbed Calvin Harris. On the way home, we played them both and sang the whole way. Hearing my 13 yr old niece sing, “We’re up all night to get lucky” was pretty funny at first. Such a wholesome trip ❤️

Music will always be such a huge part of my life, and you’ll be hearing more about the artists that contribute to my profound love of music.

I’m sure many of you have memories that tie you to this duo, I’d love to hear them. Comment them on any of my last 2 Instagram posts, and I’ll read and respond.

Alright, now I Gotta go do some more writing but on something else. Until next time 🙃

-Cyn Quin 👸

Watch the emotional good-bye video from Daft Punk


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